Monday, March 17, 2014

What's on my Plate?

Great question!

(Yeah, I really am this nerdy. By the way, unless I say so, I don't own the photos I post...if I do, I'll certainly say something! In the meantime, I think you can click on the picture to find the source.)

Vegetables: My LGBT book. I am currently researching different topics regarding the LGBT community for a book that I'll write during the months of April/May. It's a really important thing for me, too, just on a personal level . . . so it's taking a place in the forefront of my mind.

Fruits: Sketching. I'm always carrying around my sketchbook, so I can be found drawing pretty often. Um, don't tell my teachers though, because I doodle plenty in my classes . . .! That being said, I tend to get the material anyways, so I can't say that the doodling is that bad. I promise I'm not that arrogant, though...

Grains: Writing. Actually, that's what I want to share today: Camp Nanowrimo's first session is starting in April! I've been doing NaNoWriMo in many forms over the last few years, although this year, I'm rebelling in order to finish one of my old projects, Project: Faith. It does have a religious vein to it, and I doubt I'll ever get it published, but it's a story near and dear to my heart just because of some of the themes discussed, such as love being unlimited, grief being overcome, fears being overcome even when still afraid, and friends being allowed to view your heart even if you're afraid. Of course, those are pretty vague terms to discuss the themes in, but it is really wonderful - and I can't wait to get started. April cannot come quick enough . . .

Protein: I noted before that I do some work in ceramics. Truth is, I'm considering making and selling some of my work. I'm not entirely sure about the details at this moment, and I have some more work to do before I can make it a reality, but I'm hoping I can find a way to make it work out somehow.

Dairy: I have some other side projects in the back of my mind, i.e. other stories and readings and activities, but that's all they are at the moment: side projects. Dairy might not be the best way to describe them though . . . more like "sweets", since I can't actually have much dairy at all (While sweets, like chocolate and sprite, I'm a slave to. Don't get the wrong idea! Everything in moderation!).

To put it simply, the above things are probably what you'll be hearing of the most, especially the writing parts. It's so easy to save text media when it's already on the computer! Unfortunately, I don't often scan my sketches or take pictures, so those might be few and far between, but once I can afford a camera, I might be able to put some more of my images up...?

For now, I'll leave this for people to peruse, and hopefully I can bring some new content as I create it! Assuming I even have the room to breathe . . .

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