Saturday, December 13, 2014

To: The One That Got Away

I am posting twice in one day, whee! But I also want to post this before I regret it.

Watch this, and you will understand.

The following was my message.


It’s weird to address this to you, because this project is called “the one who got away”, and, well . . . I sort of let you get away. And that’s not your fault or mine or anybody else’s. It was time.

I still want to say I’m sorry though.

It’s been two years now. Everything that happened is a long lost and foggy memory now in the past. I remember I had a lot to thank you for, such as thinking that I am so much more amazing than I believe I am, but I also know that I was very sorry. Sorry for your bad back, very sorry for your mom, very very sorry for the distance between us. And that sucked. And I wish I had done more apologizing, although I’m sure you would’ve giggled and told me not to say that so much. And I, of course, would’ve smiled, just as I am smiling now.

I don’t mean to drag this out. So I’ll just go ahead and say it, and end with this: I am sorry for all the things I could not fix. But I also thank you. I thank you for helping me learn more about myself, and I thank you for being there for me even if I didn’t think that I needed you.


This was a fairly personal message for a very personal reason, but it was the first thing I thought of when I read the phrase, "The One That Got Away". And I mean it, really - she didn't get away. I let her leave. And hell, that's what matters, right?

I'm not going to give you the name or the details of who this was to and why, though I'm sure you can glean some information from the message I left. So please don't ask, alright? I will say, though, that this was my first Art Assignment, and I loved it. I feel at peace, weirdly enough, having read and done that.

This was a cathartic enterprise, even if spur-of-the-moment. So I suggest you take the video's advice and follow the same journey I did. If you're in Canada like me, add (1) to the beginning of the number, and you'll do fine. I hope this helps you as much as it helps me.

(Keep in mind that if you later come back to view this and find it's gone, it may be because I took it down, I'm already nervous sharing this, although I am glad for the anonymity at the moment.)

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