Saturday, December 13, 2014

Project For Awesome! Get on it, Folks!

Imagine my surprise when I get up this morning, turn on my computer, and find that I have about a hundred more views on my blog than I did the day before! I'd posted my blog link on the P4A livestream, and somehow, more than a hundred people found it. Thanks, Nerdfighters! You know who you are.

What I want to quickly note today is the Project for Awesome. What is the Project for Awesome? To put it quickly: the Project for Awesome is a charity event run in the middle of December (hint: RIGHT NOW) to help support awesome charities that can help the world become a better place. The event is hosted on the website Project for Awesome dot Com, and right NOW is accompanied by a live stream run by Hank and John from the Vlogbrothers on Youtube (featuring additional guests). It is a fantastic event with a ton of awesome people coming together, so you should go check it out. Like . . . now. You can donate and support P4A right here on their Indiegogo campaign.

Now, I know you want to know: what did I donate? I donated about $125 to the Indiegogo campaign, NOT counting the matched money (at the time, they were matching additional money, so every dollar coutned as $2.50), so I ended up grabbing some perks like the Hanklerfish art, the Nerdfighter art, the Princess Bride commentary . . . I can't wait to see the latter, especially! So I hope that stuff motivates you!

In the meantime, hello and thank you to all of the Nerdfighters that are checking this out, and please do stick around! I'm not as active as I want to be right now due to school, but I do a lot of stuff like a series called Titled: Title, a group of fantastic reviews, and the work to be a great author someday. Doubt me? Just wait - one of my next posts will be about some of the work I've been doing lately.

DFTBA (don't forget to be awesome), and best wishes!

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