Friday, June 27, 2014

Video Games, Art, Minimalism, and Where the Middle Ground Is - Part 4

Hello! I hope that you're enjoying my Video Games, Art, Minimalism, and Middle Ground series regarding Animal Crossing: New Leaf. If you care to see all previous posts, click below:

Part 1 - Interior Design
Part 2 - Patterns and Designs
Part 3 - More about Patterns and Designs
Part 4 - Introduction to Town Decor
Part 5 - Pattern Design in Town Decor
Part 6 - Gardening in Town Decor



So did you know that in Animal Crossing: New Leaf, you can glitch your way into the water? It's true.

 We're testing to see if Jeanne is a witch. Y'know, because of the time-travelling in Part 3.

 OW! . . . faceplant.

 . . . so she's either a magician . . .

. . . or the worst messiah ever. Burn the witch?

Now, before we all get our stakes out and begin the execution, I think we should think first about - what else? - the town. I mean, look at all of those flowers! We can't execute her without harming the town's decoration, y'know?

And that, everybody, is the topic of today's post: town decoration!

Hey, look, it's Katya- WATCH OUT THERE'S A DUCK.

The act of decorating your town according to your wants and needs is an arduous task, unfortunately, but not one that is an impossibility. There are plenty of great examples of people that have used gardening, pattern design, and public works projects to make beautiful villages.

Unfortunately, I am not one of them.

But! I can, however, educate you about some of the bare necessities of making your town look beautiful, which I will explain using Katya (above) as my dummy. Please pardon her clueless look - she's a n00b.

A note to past me: WHY did you NOT order them more appropriately?! Ugh!

So ignoring the fact that I could've ordered these flowers MUCH more beneficially considering what I was doing, these are the flowers that compose the basics of gardening! There are 4 flowers that are considered the basic flowers, the ones that you can find no matter which Animal Crossing game you play. Those are: the pansies at the far upper left, the tulips on the regular upper left, the roses at the regular upper right, and . . . wait for it . . . the cosmos at the LOWER RIGHT.

Yeah, my ordering skills suck.

The other two flowers are (I think) new to New Leaf, and they are a little more exotic: the violets at the lower left, and the lilies at the far upper right. I don't know about anybody else, but I actually had to export them from outside of my town before I could get them to grow in my town. How? Eh, that's a topic for another day.

Katya, we have a responsibility to show a lack of bias to our audience. That being said, WHY did you ONLY pick BLUE AND PINK hybrid flowers?!

So the above is really the basics to gardening, but that's not all - it's also possible to get hybrid flowers by planting certain flowers next to each other. So from left to right on the picture above, on the bottom row (all of which are hybrid flowers), we have blue pansies, pink tulips, pink roses, blue violets, pink lilies, and pink cosmos. Now, I don't want to get into too much detail about how you get these, because it's a long conversation, so I'll link you here instead, where somebody has put together a wonderful guide. Thank you, anonymous writer!

 Cliffside flowers. This picture is a little out-of-date, by the way, so the background flowers are actually gone.

So flowers can go just about anywhere, to be honest. You can plant them by a cliffside . . .

 This is outside T.J.'s house! Unlike the aforementioned witch, Katya has the courtesy to not break in.

. . . around a house . . .

Well, this is awkward.

. . . underneath a- . . . uh . . .


Oooh, Jake's gonna be furious . . .

So there's a lot you can do with flowers! Arrange them, plant them, put them in your house (which I didn't have a picture for). But those aren't the only flowers you can get! A feature in the game is one that allows you to get a quote-on-quote "perfect" town, meaning that your environment within the town is clean and filled with enough trees and flowers. Upon reaching this state of perfection, you get the flowers above, Jacob's Ladders. I have several around my town; in fact, I have a perfect town myself, so I got these on my own, unlike my friend who shamelessly stole mine and keeps them in her house. Friend, you know who you are . . .!

I later ran over these flowers and ruined them. I cannot express the rage I felt.

The last type of flower - perhaps the rarest of them all - is the carnation. Carnations can't be imported or grown naturally like other flowers - if you want a whole landscape of carnations, you have to start by getting your in-game mother or father to ship some to you for Mother's and Father's Day(s). After that, you can start breeding them to get red, pink, and white flowers, but this is an arduous task in and of itself. As the caption above states, I even ran over that one set of carnations later on, although luckily for me, I had four other sets and later bred them to include two more. Point being, those flowers are both the holy grail and a nightmare to produce.

So that's gardening, of course, but what else can you do? Certainly that's not all there is to village decoration, or else this'd be a really short post!

You're right. That's why we have PWPs, or Public Works Projects!

Yes, I know what else PWP stands for. My soul feels a little dirty now.

Public works projects are developments that can be placed in your town to customize it for practical, aesthetic, business, and upgrading purposes. PWPs can't be made by just any villager - the first player, the mayor, has to set up the projects his-/herself. There are lots of things I could talk about with these, but I think I'm just going to give you a slide of pictures and explain it in the captions. Away we go!

Practical - although this is the original bridge provided to me in-game, you can add two additional bridges along your town's river.

Aesthetic - while this lightpost does bring light during the nighttime, it's not a necessary part to your town.

Business - this café becomes available to you to add to your town after a certain set of time, and you can easily walk in and order some coffee at any time after construction!

Now, you might be noticing something. Didn't I say that there were four types of PWPs? What about upgrading PWPs?

Well, my friends, in order to discuss that . . .

The Dream Suite - your ticket to jumping into other towns.

. . . we're going to have to take a stroll through some other towns . . .

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