Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Titled: Title - Part 3

Okay, enough of this procrastination crap. I gotta start talking.

So things have gotten a lot busier in my life lately. My 'rents left on vacation for two weeks and only just got back a few days ago . . . I'm getting ready for college . . . I have a vaccination tomorrow . . . I mind-mapped my brain and it looks like it's hopped out on drugs. That's how busy I've been.

BUT THAT'S NO EXCUSE FOR NEGLECTING THE POOR BABY THAT IS MY BLOG. So I'm going to grant this an update and make a few announcements, but first, LET ME SHOW YOU THE FUN STUFF THE INTERNET HAS SHOWN ME.

  • These 26 Photos Show There's No One Way to Be Beautiful. In general, I don't touch Cosmopolitan with a 39 1/2 foot pole. This article is really cool though; basic premise of it is that a woman decided to take a portrait picture of herself and send it to people in different countries, asking the artists to make her look pretty based on the standards of their countries. The results are really interesting - some of them change her appearance almost entirely, while others keep her looking relatively the same. I think it's a good example of not just how unrealistic and impossible the standards for beauty are, but also how there are still places that see her as relatively beautiful already. Take it as you like, I suppose - I just though the results were share-worthy.
  • 'Stop The Beauty Madness' Brands Ads With Brutally Honest Messages. These are basically the best advertisements EVER, going out of their way to point out the obvious problems with how we tie our worth to our body image. This is especially a problem for women young, old, and diverse, to which the advertisements aim their messages at, and its brutal honest and thought makes it a unique campaign. I wish advertisements like this were in the mainstream, because we definitely need them! If I hear one more word about somebody going on a crash diet, I'll scream . . .
  • Things Facing Left, A Tutorial Masterpost. Though I don't talk about my drawing habits very much on here, I am definitely still practicing! This masterpost of tutorials has been incredibly helpful, and I've looked through it a ton. Whatever you need to work on, it's probably covered somewhere in here, so now you have no more excuses to avoid it! It's also great if you're working on anatomy, like me . . .
  • Japan National Tourism Organization. Lately, I've been getting majorly into traditional asian dress such as kimonos, hanfus, ao dais, etcetera. Well, while I was looking into kimonos, I found this website! If you have any interest in Japanese culture, this is a great place to start, because it has a ton for information from Agriculture to Zen! The article I have linked to is about traditional costumes, but you can use the sidebar to jump to different topics. Definitely worth a check!
  • Hips Don't Lie with Banjo. I don't know where this came from, and why, but it's definitely worth a good laugh to listen to! And I agree with the commentators - this sounds like it's from a Legend of Zelda game!
Okay, with those out of the way . . . a few notes.

Yes, I am still working on the Animal Crossing series about art. I'm behind, I know. I have one more post to write up, and then it will be done, I promise.

Yes, I am busy prepping for college! The work involved is dizzying, but I'm figuring it out, so that will be keeping me busy for a while.

No, I'm not prepared to start posting my fanfiction novel from Camp Nano. I'm not even done the piece yet, and as I'm starting another project as well, I'm sort of - well - floundering. I do intend to post it, but right now I just don't have the time. Until then, the blog for it will be sort of dead, but fear not! I will revive it when I am ready!

Last thing: I will be doing a review of The Miseducation of Cameron Post once I finish the book, mostly because I want to get out my opinion on it in response to the Cape Henlopen decision regarding it and their whole ****ing reading list. I don't know how appropriate it will be, because I am still really angry about the decision, but know that is on my to-do list.

That's about all, for now! Can't promise when the next update will be, but keep an eye out, because I'm hoping to try and keep this blog somewhat alive before I run off to uni.

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